WARNING!!!!!!!! Spoilers!!!
The movie, which was released in January 19th, 2010, is directed by Martin Scorsese. The screenplay is by Laeta Kalogridis, and is based on a novel by Dennis Lehane. The story takes place in 1954.
Edwards "Teddy" Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), two US marshalls, are needed on Shutter Island for an investigation. More specifically, the US marshalls are needed on the Ashecliffe hospital of Shutter Island which is built to hold criminally insane people. Teddy and Chuck are sent to Shutter Island, which is located off the coast of Massachusetts, to resolve the mystery of the disappearance of a patient named Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer) who was sent to Ashecliffe Hospital for drowning her three children. When they arrive there, the first assumption concerning the missing patient is that she escaped. When they notice that she left her shoes behind, they start to think that she won't be able to survive alone in the wild, especially with the savage storm that is menacing the island. Teddy Daniels and his partner start investigating all around the island searching for clues that could help them solve the mystery of Rachel Solando. Along their researches Teddy talks to his partner about Andrew Landers, the man who started the fire that killed his wife. He believes Andrew was a patient on Shutter Island, and is still there. Also, Teddy keeps on mentioning that he suspects that the responsibles of the island are brainwashing the patients to make them act as they desire. Surprisingly, one day, Teddy is told that Rachel Solando is found. When he sees her, there is no mark on her, another big surprise for our US marshall. Also, from the moment Teddy steps on the island, he starts feeling frequent headaches and having dreams and hallucinations about his deceased wife and a a dead little girl who keeps on telling him that he could've saved her. While on the island, Teddy finds a fortress with many imprisoned patients. Among those prisoners, he finds one that he knew before his imprisonment, George Noyce, and they start talking. After a long chat, Noyce convinces Teddy that the leaders of Shutter Island are actually brain-washers. When Teddy gets out, he doesn't trust anyone anymore, even his partner Chuck, who he actually only met while on the boat to Shutter Island. After convincing his partner to leave him alone, Teddy marches towards a lighthouse he never visited before, suspecting the brainwashing might be done there. While trying to get there, Teddy ends up in the same place where he left his partner, but Chuck isn't there anymore. He sees Chuck's cigarette on the ground, and starts to think that Chuck fell down the cliff after looking ans seeing something with the same shape as Chuck's clothing. After climbing down and noticing that he didn't really see Chuck's body, he notices a light coming from a hole on the mountain. When he gets inside this hole, he sees a woman, the real Rachel Solando. She explains to him that the woman he saw in the building is an imposter and that the leaders of Shutter Island really are brain-washers. Rachel makes him notice that the pills that they gave him for his headache, the cigarettes that they offered him to smoke, even the food that they gave him to eat, were part of the brainwashing process. She tells him that she was a nurse inside Ashecliffe Hospital before becoming a patient and they set her up by making everyone think she was crazy because she started to suspect the corrupted acts of the leaders of the island. Indeed, Teddy Daniels is suspecting the Shutter Island staff of brainwashing, and they noticed. That is why they want to do to him the same thing they did to Rachel. Because Rachel doesn't want her hiding spot to be discovered, she makes Teddy Daniels leave. When Teddy gets outside, they start to make him think he's crazy. When he asks for his partner Chuck, they answer that he never had a partner. After noticing that, Teddy is determined to go to the lighthouse. But when he gets in the lighthouse, he doesn't find any weird machinery or anything like that. He only sees Dr. John Cawley (Ben Kingsley), the head psychiatrist, sitting. There, Dr. Cawley starts to tell him that they were giving him medicines for a long time. Then he tells Teddy that he truly isn't Edward Daniels, but Andrew Landers, the man he knew as the killer of his wife. Dr. Cawley shows him that he made up a character named Edward Daniels so that he could be a hero, and shows him that Edward Daniels is actually an anagram of Andrew Laeddis. Dr. Cawley tells him about the true story of his life and how his wife really died (he shot her). There is a massive confusion inside the US marshalls head. But he regains his confidence and refuses to believe what he's being told. After that Dr. Cawley tells John that his partner Chuck was in reality his personal psychiatristWhen he sees his gun on a table, he grabs it, but when he tries to shoot a bullet, nothing happens: he is holding a toy gun. Thinking that his US marshall gun was actually a toy gun, he doesn't know what to think anymore, and faints. When he wakes up, he is a patient on Ashecliffe Hospital. When he gets out on the yard, they notice that he still doesn't truly believe that he is Andrew Laeddis, so they take him to the lighthouse......
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